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Cryptocurrency Search Addon


Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Massive Crypto/Coinpress/ExchangePress Plugin installed and activated.

Coin Search addon searches cryptocurrency coins/exchanges and displays the beautiful autocompleted list with name, symbol, logo, price below search input.

The search widget is designed to place anywhere like the header navigation menu, sidebars, footer, etc.

We can alter the parameters of shortcode and customize the search box placeholder text, enable/disable logo, price, search button icon, and modify currency of coin price.

e.g. shortcode: [crypto-search-bar placeholder=”Search..” logo=”true” price=”true” currency=”USD” search-icon=”true”] will output like below.

coin search addon

For coinpress users, visitors can search for coins and go to the coin page by clicking on the coin links from search results, this option is also available for Massive Crypto and ExchangePress users if they have enabled custom pages for coins.

With default Coingecko API available for Massive Crypto, Coinpress and ExchangePress, visitors can search around 5000+ coins and 300+ Cryptocurrency Exchanges instantly using this widget.

Note: that ‘Coin Search Addon’ that requires Massive Crypto/Coinpress/ExchangePress Plugin.


  • Just download the plugin here through paypal and activate the plugin.
  • Copy the shortcode below and paste on your page where you want to search field to appear. Shortcode parameters are optional.
    [crypto-search-bar placeholder="Search.." logo="true" price="true" currency="USD" search-icon="true"]
  • You can also insert the shortcode with php function do_shortcode(), just paste the shortcode inside the brackets like do_shortcode(‘[coin-search]’)
  • Done!, Now blazingly fast search addon for cryptocurrency coin and exchange is ready!



  • Replace search library to improve the usability
  • Exchanges search support
  • Limit number of coins displayed
  • Show rank for coins
  • Translation ready


  • Initial Version
Search Addon


35+ Sales

  • Massive Crypto (3.1.1 or above)
  • Coinpress (2.1.1 or above)
  • ExchangePress (1.0.0 or above)